Home Authors Posts by Tom York

Tom York

With some VCs retreating from life sciences, investors are lauding the growing popularity of virtual biotechs as a capital efficient way to get the most bang for their buck
Companies seeking to commercialize DNA research are now emerging as technology moves slowly out of the lab and into the doctor’s office
No matter the impending FDA decisions on obesity drugs, many VCs say the approval process is too daunting—and costly—to invest
The GP says that its latest investment in ResearchGate is an example of an exciting and growing ecosystem in Germany
The capital of Germany began to emerge after reunification in 1989 between East and West, and is now drawing tech companies and VC interest
Following Earlybird’s move to the nation’s capital, VC firm holds initial close on its fourth fund
The Silicon Valley startup is the latest to operate in the growing crowd source funding model, which could be ideal for the mobile app developer
Smart docs are using smart phones in their patient care and more app developers and VCs are joining the conversation
Harvard MBA student Halle Tecco says the funding structure of the startups at Rock Health is still under discussion
A new generation of venture-backed startups offering a peer-to-peer model of car sharing is taking shape, although not all investors are getting behind the wheel

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